Saturday, August 9, 2008

On My Soap Box Again...

I've cooled down a bit. I started composing a fire-and-brimstone-pulpit-pounding post about the evils of the media after hearing that the major television networks released a statement in opposition to ALL indecency laws (oh, I can feel the fire rising again!). So instead of lecturing you, I'll just direct you to the website for the Parents Television excellent resource for any thinking person who doesn't want an electronic box in the family room teaching your kids values. Their website contains great information and very easy ways to contact your legislative representatives, network presidents and ADVERTISING executives (you know...those folks who fund the garbage on TV--if you are still watching).

Warning: this information is useless unless you use it. Yes...that is a challenge.
(their link is to the right if you want to just click and go)

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