Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's the MOST wonderful time of the year...

My children's lives have been spared again by the very timely beginning of the school year. I think all of the mothers in my neighborhood gave a collective sigh of relief ( could hear its echo at about 9:20 on Monday morning). My neighbor across the street has been cheerfully shouting out the countdown for the past few weeks.

We had a fabulous summer...long hours spent in the sun, countless popsicles consumed, a steady stream of friends and cousins playing in the water and on the swingset. The kids did great, were great. But all good things must come to an end. And there was something in the air last week. Melt downs and arguments erupted to such a degree that I truly feared for my sanity. Then...TA DA! just in the nick-of-time...our school district delievered relief at 9:15 Monday morning! SO my kids were, literally, saved by the bell.

1 comment:

Joan said...

I remember those days. Sanity is now a reality. (Yea) The neighborhood suddenly seems so silent and Fozzie now has nobody to bark at as they walk by. (Yea again)
