My niece, Aly, turned 16 on Monday. Aly is a very lovely, headstrong young lady...demonstrating a lot of the character traits her mother possesses. I've thought a lot about Aly lately and what it means to be growing up, a young woman, in this day. It's exciting and frightening at the same time. Below, I've written some things I'd tell Al if she was here with me right this moment. If you're a might not get it. Or you might argue with me. But who asked you anyway! So it is.
1)Ok, so boys aren’t all bad. But a lot of them are colossally stupid. They really do only have one thing on their minds at this age…want to guess what that is???
2)You are beautiful, but don’t let that be the only thing people see in you. You are also intelligent and gifted. You have a naturally happy nature. Now you need to believe that and make the most of what’s inside you and let that balance out the gorgeous babe you are.
3)Back to the boy thing…when dating someone, ask yourself if this person makes you want to be a better person. If the answer is “no” then move on babe.
4)If a guy wants you to make changes, or you feel you have to change to be with someone—dump ‘em. There are about 10,000,000 other guys out there who are more intelligent and can see you’re wonderful just the way you are.
5)You don’t know it all. You think you do. You don’t. In fact, in 16 more years you’ll think you were really stupid at this age. I know I did. It’s ok. Just don’t make any life altering decisions until you’ve lived a few more years.
6)Don’t drink, do drugs, smoke or sleep around. I know I don’t need to tell you this…but more people your age need to realize that an addiction, cancer and STD’s are baggage that last way beyond the teen years. And I don’t care what the world tries to tell you… a baby is a very real and permanent consequence of SEX (can I say that word?!?)
7)Women are born with a healthy dose of self doubt. It really sucks. So if that little voice in your head ever tells you that you are less than you are or that you aren’t good or you can’t do something, call me up and I’ll tell it to shut up.
8)Make college a goal. Education is important. Yes, you can do it. Yes…you…can—don’t listen to that stupid voice.
9)I know that right now friends, music, boys, clothes and hair all vie for your attention. But don’t forget about God. I’m serious. At some point everything I listed above will prove to be shallow and empty. You are going to have to find something to anchor your life on. If you place your faith in people you’ll be adrift all your life. People will fail you, God will not.
10)Uncle Ford and I love you. It’s been a pleasure watching you and your brother and sister grow up. You’re kind of like a beautiful flower that grew in a patch of thorns. Life hasn’t been easy for you or your family. At this point, only you can determine how your life will end up. You make your own choices. But know this…if anyone ever messes with you, you can call us up and we’ll duct tape them to the wall. You rock Aly. I’m excited to see what the next 16 years bring for you. We wish for you only happiness. Happy Birthday!

has changed since this was taken!!!!!