Monday, April 27, 2009


If there was one word my husband would have tattooed across my forehead (backwards so I could read it when I'm brushing my teeth morning and night), that word would be R-E-L-A-X.

I was reflecting on this fact this afternoon as I was running errands with my 22 month old in tow. I had Muse blaring at decibles that the Parents Advisory Council would frown upon, not to mention the questionable content of the lyrics. But as I glanced back at my cherub, his feet tapping and hands clapping with a HUGE grin on his face (baby likes Muse!) I flashed back to when my oldest was the same age. We listened to A LOT of Mozart, because the experts said it would make him smart (it worked by the way...the downside is he is now smarter than me!). If I was tired of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, I'd settle for the classical radio station. When that was a snooze...classical guitar. It was a stretch, just coming in under my stringent standards. I didn't want to corrupt the kid. My-oh-my. If I could travel through time and have a chat with that anal first time mom...

I think I'm coming along with the whole letting go thing. I can't magically wave a wand over the world and make it perfect for my kids, but maybe if they see me moving more comfortably through life, they will too!


A Musing Mother said...

Me 10 years ago - taught my daughter to read before her fourth birthday, took her and her sister to the library multiple times a week for story time, yada, yada, yada.

Me today - Sometimes I read to my four year old. Mostly we just talk about stuff boys talk about like legos and his ratty blanky.

Nobody knows my daughter learned to read when she was 3. Nobody cares. My other kids learned how to read at the appropriate times and they are just fine.

Go Muse.

Anonymous said...


Joan said...

You have heard my story of the loud, stressed out Mom who finally gave in to that voice that let her know what she was doing was not OK. It is possible to change and be a softer, more contented person but we all have to hit that proverbial low point or wall or whatever it is and let an inner peace take over. Don't sweat the small stuff or we will be crazy women that out children won't even like. I'm glad that I gave in and shaped up and that my kids adore me. LOL Sounds like you are finding that calmer side of yourself too.