Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why I don't Comment on Your Blog...

This morning, I had just finished printing out the chore chart for my oldest before Cubs when I realized I had 2 minutes and 45 seconds of free time. I decided to catch up on my favorite blogs. This is what happened next:

J: Mom...what are you doing?
Me (distracted): Leaving a comment on a blog.
J: A what?
Me: A blog.
J (patronizing): Mom...that's not how you spell 'both.'
Me: That's good because I'm trying to spell 'booth!'
J: Who is that to? What are you saying? Who is that a picture of? Why are you doing that? Do you even know who that is?
Long Mommy pause (the one where you weigh the conseqences of child endangerment)
Me (resigned): Ya know, I think I'll do this when you are unconcious.


A Musing Mother said...

Why is it that we are called upon to explain and justify EVERYTHING we do? I can so relate.

Susan said...

try explaining to your kids you're off to meet internet friends.

(ah, kids!)

Joan said...

So typical (especially of boys for some reason) and so funny. Is it because they are hungering after knowledge or because they are just nosey?